Fractals – Snowflake Line

#import Python turtle module
#More info see
import turtle 

##Make turtle t draw a Koch fractal of 'order' and 'size'.
def drawKoch(t, order, size):
    if order == 0:          # The base case is just a straight line
        #Move the turtle forward by size
        #in the direction the turtle is headed.
        drawKoch(t, order-1, size/3)   # Go 1/3 of the way and draw a Koch pattern with lower order and 1/3 size
        t.left(60) #Turn turtle left by 60 degrees.
        drawKoch(t, order-1, size/3)
        t.right(120) #Turn turtle right by 120 degrees.
        drawKoch(t, order-1, size/3)
        t.left(60) #Turn turtle left by 60 degrees.
        drawKoch(t, order-1, size/3)

##Initialize the turtle
t = turtle.Turtle()
t.speed(6) #Set the turtle's speed. 1 is slow and 10 is fast.
t.color("blue") #Set the turtle's color.
t.pensize(3) #Set the pen size
myWin = turtle.Screen() #Create the screen

##Set values for order and size
order = 2
size = 300

##Initialize the pen position
t.up() #Pull the pen up - no drawing when moving.
t.backward(size/2) #move the pen backward by size/2
t.down() #Pull the pen down - drawing when moving.

##Draw the Koch Snowflake of certain order and size
drawKoch(t, order, size)

##exit the drawing screen

Program Revised from