SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Example 01

lucky_number = 3
if lucky_number > 0
    print lucky_number

Reason: We failed to place a colon(:) in the if-statement as required. Should be if lucky_number > 0:

Example 02

lucky_number = 3
if lucky_number = 3:
    print lucky_number

Reason: The single equal sign means assignment, not comparing values. In the if statement, we need to use double equal signs to compare the value of lucky_number and 3. Should be if lucky_number == 3:

Example 03

lucky_number = 3
if lucky_number > 0:
    pirnt 'Good Job!'

Reason: We misspelt print as pirnt. Misspellings are a common source of syntax errors when students learn to code. When they can’t find a syntax error in the code, ask them to double check the spelling.

Example 04

lucky_number = 3
return = 'Good Job!'
if lucky_number > 0:
    print return

Reason: The variable name return is one of Python’s reserved words. Reserved words cannot be used as variable or function names. More information on reserved words is at